
Thank You From Mrs. Vasantha Premachandra

Dear Colleagues/Friends of Mr. Sivaguru. Premachandra, 

 I am Mrs. Vasantha Premachandra, wife of Late Mr. Sivaguru. Premachandra, who worked at your department sometimes ago.

I am writing this letter to my husband’s colleagues, to thank you all for your kindness showered on me during the difficult time of my life. My dearest husband’s untimely death was a terrible blow to me and was very difficult to digest the loss. Your comforting messages and regular communication helped me to come to terms with reality and to cope up with my daily routine without Prema but with his good memories.

I received the pictures of how you remembered my husband by honouring him on his 31st day with variety of food at your department. It was so touching, to realise that Prema had been very much liked by his work colleagues.

With all my thanks, 
Mrs Vasantha Premachandra

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